Saturday, March 9, 2024

Infographics for Teachers and Librarians

 Infographics are an important tool for teachers and librarians. It can be used for a variety of things from sharing library aspects to ratios of classroom and school growth, and much more. People largely respond to visuals, and this allows you a chance to share information in a quick visual way.

There are a variety of platforms to use for making graphics such as, Piktochart, and Canva just to name a few. I use Canva often for a variety of graphic projects but decided to try Piktochart for this assignment. There are many pros and cons to each but in the end, I think for infographic designs Piktochart is the best. It has existing templates and a variety of images to choose from.

I decided to play around with a template and started to add information from an article from the Pew Research Center on, Americans' opinions of getting news from social media. I think if I had the paid plans, I would have been able to do a lot more to this infographic but if I was looking for something quick and easy to use the free templates work great.  

Wang, L. (2024, February 7). Many Americans find value in getting news on social media, but concerns about inaccuracy have risen. Pew Research Center. 


  1. Thanks for the input. What did you think of the other platforms? I know some of them are more attractive in terms of options, and the paid subscriptions are definitely going to give more choices. I'm glad to hear that you liked Piktochart better than Canva. I think it's good to branch out, if even to check that you are using the best tool for the job!

    1. They all had pros and cons but I felt like Piktochart and Canva were the easiest for me to use.

  2. Great information! The infographic was very informative and the information shared was easy to read and understand. I also explored different site to create my inforgraphic. Piktochart was easy to use, but in the end I decided to use Canva because it had the most eye catching options in my opinion. Not to mention that because I have an educators account, most of the options are free on that platform.

    1. I agree with you Erika. I love Canva and use it all the time but I told myself I had to use something else. LOL

  3. I also love Canva, but I also pushed myself to try something new. Piktochart was easy to use for me too, especially compared to less 'free friendly' options like About the infographic itself, I definitely agree that social media's inaccuracy is often an issue I come across. It's easy to believe half of the U.S. adult population also believes that. Thank you for sharing your experience with infographic makers and social media.
    -Sydney T

  4. Hi Laura- I also use Canva for a lot of things and this assignment was hard for me to reach out of the box! Your infographic looks great and makes me want to try out Piktochart! Thanks so much for sharing!


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